Explore our full selection of general dentistry, oral surgery, periodontal and hand tools.
Hand pieces, endodontic tools and dental compressor machinery from a large selection of brands.
Fulfill your office's daily consumable needs with our wide selection of gloves, disposable gowns, face masks, chair covers, dental trays and more!
We carry a wide variety of waxes from base plates to wire wax in different gauges, sprues, bite blocks, and utility wax to fit any need!
As a one-stop shop for porcelain work, we offer unique porcelain ovens, precision articulators, investment products for work porcelain and precious metals.
Pan American brings the complete line of orthodontic products; brackets, ortho wire, expansion/compression screws, and elastomers.
Carrying a wide selection of orthodontic resins, acrylics, surgical splint and mouth guard material to assist in any need.
Offering complete lines of acrylic teeth, vacuum machines, light-cure tray units, model trimmers and bench motors from the major distributors!
Our orthodontic offerings include a full assortment of retainer boxes, lip protection waxes, and orthodontic brushes just to name a few.